Friday, September 7, 2012

Welcome Autumn

Blue Moon
The signal of summer's end to me was the cold nights we had leading up to that twice-in-a-month full blue moon. In my parents' yard the cherry trees are the first to shed their leaves and as we sat visiting with family last Sunday a flurry of yellow leaves danced around us.

Art and Autumn go together well. It is perfect for painting outdoors or going to a fair or festival where people show off their creativity. I have been seeing some great work. Currently I have work up in the East Windsor Town Hall and the Butler-McCook House & Garden and Sunday I will be joining a "Pretty Wings" benefit show called "2012 Year of the Goddess at the MAC650 gallery at 650 Main Street in Middletown, CT. I have plenty of goddess stuff for that!

Chatty Cassandra
My promise for today is to at least spend a couple of hours painting. We all have plenty to bills, walk the pup, talk to the pretty kitty and all sorts of running around or reorganizing. I am fortunate enough to have a job where I can pull in or reach out to paper or canvas and see what comes and I need to be sure I do that every single day.

underpainting for latest work

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