Sunday, July 13, 2008

Overly Optimistic? I think not!

Optimism is always good. In fact, optimism has helped me slog through some very difficult times. Eternal optimism can go too far, blinding one to danger or difficulty. I also know a couple of self-described "realists" who are plagued by negativity, always poised for the worst possible outcome. Their realism is blinded by pain and the past, rendering them unable to see subtle shades of grey.

I like to think I live on Middle Ground, a little known island paradise off the coast of anywhere and everywhere. But apparently there is no Middle Ground off the coast of the World Wide Web. Like Dory in Finding Nemo, the fish with eternal optimism, I must "just keep swimming, swimming, swimming".

We are swimming, and I have been known to carry a metaphor off the map, so I will not say we are "treading water" or "riding the wave". Instead I will not tell you that something on the website will appear by such-and-such a day. Donna and I will e-mail links and announcement directly and privately, to our mailing list customers and other friends.

We expect the best but prepare for imperfection. For now I can be found in the studio at my computer, on hold for my technical support person in India.

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