Sunday, July 27, 2008

Website setback

I am racing the severe thunderstorm warning, so excuse typos or rambling. If you have seen the blog before you know I have altered the look to make it easier to read and added the "new" logo that is included in the unpublished website. All of it is done except the display of the actual work for sale! A problem with my directory tree has to be resolved and I lost the edits on nearly 400 photos. Each set of photos has to be imported again into the two programs I use to make them web-ready.

Barbette's partner Nate has his daughter here now and perhaps her nimble young mind and sophistication might lend me another viewpoint. Mia is a great budding artist and reminds me of myself at that age with all of her extra projects and interests. Both Mia and Grant, Nate's children, are very impressive and enjoyable. We had a great family dinner over at Barb's though we opted out of croquet. My favorite lawn game is bocce ball and perhaps I can persuade them another time.

All this computer action has kept me from making more artwork and these deadlines are looming. I am going to work on the photo situation, but I will not publish the website this week so I can catch up on production.

Perhaps you can relate to my dilemma as the summer flies by~ to spend a spectacular day out of doors instead of holed up in here. Balance is required. Donna helped set me up in the sunnier portion of the house and we are going to savor the summer while we can.

Bad weather is upon us now. Soon I will share the fall show schedule and I will be patient with myself as I sort out the photo thing. At least I lost none of the originals. Time to get an external hard drive to protect the computer catalog.

Let me know what you think of the logo and I will publish new work here on the blog. Donna is having her lathe repaired so we are stalled on more than one front. We are pleased with our 2008 progress and we will keep you up to date. Thanks for the kind words and feedback.

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